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Welcome to the myhub FORM centre, where you can create and manage your own and your employee’s personal and employment information.

The FORM Centre contains 3 forms, which can be entered together or separately, depending on what you want to do.

To get started and for security reasons, you need to click below on the “Get Token” button. You’ll be sent an email with a link and you can access the forms once you’ve clicked on the link and re-entered your email address.

Once you’re back in…..Click on the Combo-Form tab to proceed…..

Are you wanting to enter details for a new employee? Then tick all three boxes and click “Show”.

Are you wanting to amend job and other details and salary details? Then tick all three boxes and click “Show”.

Are you wanting to amend job and other details without changing salary details? Then select only the “Base Information” and “Additional Information” forms and click “Show”.

Here’s a brief summary of what you’ll find in each form.

  • Base Information: employee’s preferred name, DOB, TFN/IRD, personal contact details, Job Title, Manager, Department, Location, Status.
  • Additional Information: Business Unit, Division, Cost Centre, paypoint, Hours and days of work, Visa information, Official first and Surname.
  • Compensation: Details of the salary components for the current salary.

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